The MI franchise began with Mr Cruise's stipulation that each have a unique, top shelf director. First it was Brian...
The MI franchise began with Mr Cruise's stipulation that each have a unique, top shelf director. First it was Brian De Palma, then John Woo, and now it's JJ Abrams. Although not in the same league - it's his feature debut - Abrams is hot to trot after his TV success, most notably the critically acclaimed Lost. And he delivers. MI3 is full-tilt boogie - successfully capping the trilogy that is undoubtedly the creme de la creme of action films.
Ethan Hunt (Cruise) has retired and t engaged to Julia (Monaghan), who thinks he works in transport. But he's lured back into service when an agent he trained is captured, and an evil arms dealer (Hoffman) starts to stir. The plan goes violently wrong though, and events spiral back toward the innocent Julia as she becomes a revenge target.
Where to watch Mission: Impossible III
Mission: Impossible III | Details
- Rating
- M, medium level violence
- Runtime
- 126
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Thriller
- Country of origin