The Tom Cruise action-spy franchise continues, this time with Christopher McQuarrie (Jack Reacher) in the director's chair. Ethan and the...
The Tom Cruise action-spy franchise continues, this time with Christopher McQuarrie (Jack Reacher) in the director's chair. Ethan and the crew must stop The Syndicate – an international rogue organisation of equal skill and measure dedicated to wiping out the Impossible Mission Force. Co-stars M:I regulars Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames as well as new stars Rebecca Ferguson (Hercules) as an elusive ally and Sean Harris (Prometheus) as the villain.
Where to watch Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence
- Runtime
- 131
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Thriller
- Country of origin