Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair are two parents on a mission to murder their kids in this black horror comedy...
Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair are two parents on a mission to murder their kids in this black horror comedy from Crank director Brian Taylor.
"Mommy and Daddy ain't alright, and they're definitely more than a little weird in this pitch-black horror comedy that imagines a 24-hour nightmare where parents worldwide succumb to a mysterious mass hysteria that turns them violently against their own children. It's a macabre and inspired conceit, and one mined for biting social satire by writer/director Brian Taylor on his first solo outing since his gonzo collaborations with Mark Neveldine (the Crank films, Gamer), which similarly provoked and parodied cultural bugaboos." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad | Details
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin