Coming-of-age drama seen through the eyes of two boys - Ellis and Neckbone - who discover and befriend a charismatic...
Coming-of-age drama seen through the eyes of two boys - Ellis and Neckbone - who discover and befriend a charismatic fugitive named Mud (Matthew McConaughey), hiding on an island on the Mississippi. Mud takes a liking to the boys and recruits them to his cause: the search for true love and a clean getaway. Written and directed by Jeff Nichols (Take Shelter), co-starring Reese Witherspoon and Michael Shannon.
Mud describes fantastic scenarios - he killed a man in Texas and vengeful kinsfolk are coming to get him. He says he is planning to meet and escape with the love of his life, Juniper (Witherspoon), who is waiting for him in town. Skeptical but intrigued, Ellis and Neckbone agree to help him. It isn’t long until Mud’s visions come true and their small town is besieged by a beautiful girl with a line of bounty hunters in tow.
Where to watch Mud (2012)
Mud (2012) | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and sexual references
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin