French satirical comedy about a cocky power broker and a single mother who just lost her job at factory he...
French satirical comedy about a cocky power broker and a single mother who just lost her job at factory he is responsible for shutting down. Their fates collide when he hires her to clean his Paris apartment. From the director of Russian Dolls.
Steve (Gilles Lellouche) is a callous banker, as well as a callous father. When his 3-year-old son Alban arrives in his apartment unexpectedly, he tries to swindle nanny and cleaning services from his new maid France (Karin Viard). However, she has her own plans for the man responsible for shutting down her old factory.
Where to watch My Piece of the Pie
My Piece of the Pie | Details
- Rating
- M, contains sex scenes and offensive language
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- France