Award-winning 19th-century tale following a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman, and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and...
Award-winning 19th-century tale following a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman, and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and Brazil where they meet a variety of mysterious individuals in a series of intersecting stories.
"The fate of a dozen characters intertwine over three decades, as one man's journey to find his parents takes him on a continent-spanning odyssey in Mysteries of Lisbon, a 19th-century tale of desire, indiscretions and hidden identity. Acclaimed France-based Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz delves into a complex literary world with this adaptation of Camilo Castelo Branco's saga of the same name. Originally created as a six-part television mini-series, for theatrical release it has been concentrated into an engaging four-and-a-half-hour epic." (Melbourne International Film Festival 2011)
Mysteries of Lisbon | Details
- Rating
- M, contains content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 272
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Portugal