Oscar-winning satirical drama by Sidney Lumet (Dog Day Afternoon) about a television network that exploits mentally unstable news anchor Howard...
Oscar-winning satirical drama by Sidney Lumet (Dog Day Afternoon) about a television network that exploits mentally unstable news anchor Howard Beale, in order to boost their low ratings.
UBS is a plummeting American network, its news team forced to hand control over to the entertainment division. Howard Beale (Peter Finch), a formerly well-known broadcaster, is on his last legs, pressured out of his job by new network owners. As a final swan song, he delivers an elongated passive-aggressive rant on live television. In the wake of his deranged venting, Beale becomes a TV icon, one that the new UBS owners are dying to sell. Also stars Faye Dunaway and Robert Duvall, and features the classic line: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
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- Award winner
- Winner of four Oscars including Best Actor (Peter Finch), Best Actress (Faye Dunaway), Best Supporting Actress (Beatrice Straight) and Best Screenplay, 1977 Academy Awards.
- Rating
- R18,
- Runtime
- 121
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin