No Hard Feelings

103 mins
Poster for No Hard Feelings

Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence leads this comedy from five-time Emmy-nominated writer Gene Stupnitsky (The Office) as a trainwreck of a woman... More

Where to watch No Hard Feelings

No Hard Feelings is available to stream in New Zealand... More now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and AroVision.

There is no screening information for this title.

No Hard Feelings | Ratings & Reviews

"Taste and laughs are in equally slim supply in Jennifer Lawrence’s latest, from which only her fresh-faced co-star emerges untarnished."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Jennifer Lawrence is admirably shameless in this well-meaning summer sex comedy..."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"The cast of No Hard Feelings behave like they’re there on community service."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"What exactly is this supposed to be?"

The Irish TimesThe Irish Times

"Falls flat..."


"It shows what a comedy turn Lawrence can still be."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"There is complex character work and a pair of brilliant performances here, if you can get past the outrageous setpieces."


"Airy and refreshingly low-stakes..."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Somehow... it doesn’t come to much."


"Despite a handful of envelope-pushing gags, this is raunchiness at its most sanitised..."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"Jennifer Lawrence is a comedy powerhouse in this hilarious and surprisingly sweet R-rated comedy."


"Formulaic but fun, fuelled by the lead pair’s engaging chemistry."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Surprisingly smart and tender... balances the difficult task of being gross-out funny and achingly sweet."

"This relaxed, agreeable comedy... works because the stars make it work, and the premise doesn’t sweat the logic part."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

"Lawrence is a consistently incandescent screen presence..."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"No Hard Feelings may be marketed as just a raunchy, 2000s-era throwback comedy, but Lawrence and her co-star, Andrew Barth Feldman, elevate it..."


"No Hard Feelings works better than it ought to."

Associated PressAssociated Press

"Bland and forgettable..."


No Hard Feelings | Details

R16, Sex scenes, offensive language & nudity
Country of origin

No Hard Feelings | Trailers