Part of a National Theatre of London initiative to bring stage productions to cinemas, The Comedy of Errors is a...
Part of a National Theatre of London initiative to bring stage productions to cinemas, The Comedy of Errors is a live recording direct from the London stage (find out more at Screenings are limited.
"Shakespeare’s furiously paced comedy will be staged in a contemporary world into which walk three prohibited foreigners who see everything for the first time. Two sets of twins separated at birth collide in the same city without meeting for one crazy day, as multiple mistaken identities lead to confusion on a grand scale. And for no one more so than Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant Dromio who, in search of their brothers, arrive in a land entirely foreign to their distant home. A buzzing metropolis, to the outsiders it appears a place of wonderment and terror, where baffling gifts and unexplained hostilities abound." (Source: Official Synopsis)