Carol Reed's musical, based on the 1960 stage show, from Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist – the classic tale of an...
Carol Reed's musical, based on the 1960 stage show, from Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist – the classic tale of an orphan who runs away from a workhouse and teams up with a group of boys headed by Artful Dodger and master pickpocket Fagin. Winner of six 1969 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director.
Where to watch Oliver!
Oliver! | Details
- Award winner
- Best Picture, Director, Art Direction, Sound and Music at the 1969 Academy Awards. Best Picture and Best Actor Comedy and Musical (Ron Moody) at the 1969 Golden Globes.
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 153
- Genre
- Kids & Family, Music, Musical
- Country of origin
- UK