Australian thriller about a psychiatrist (Mark Leonard Winter), haunted by the death of a patient, whose subsequent nervous breakdown plays...
Australian thriller about a psychiatrist (Mark Leonard Winter), haunted by the death of a patient, whose subsequent nervous breakdown plays into the hands of a cult and its leader. Winner of the Dark Matters Jury Award at Austin Film Festival 2014.
"Travis (Winter) is a psychiatrist in a public hospital: a man stuck in a nightmarish vortex of daily neurotic diatribes and the memories of a patient who took her own life. It's getting the better of him. Grace (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) is a young woman from an alternative community who knows that she can make the world a better place. They meet on the train where Grace is handing out fliers. She knows someone in trouble when she sees one. She gives Travis a lifeline: Come tonight and watch our film. In his desperation and vulnerability, Travis is led deeper and deeper into the underworld of a doomsday cult where he’s given one last chance for redemption. One Eyed Girl is about identity, sexuality, and the abuse of power in all its guises." (Austin Film Festival)
One Eyed Girl | Details
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Australia