Magic Mike's Matt Bomer is a lonely TV weatherman who starts an unusual friendship with a Latino migrant worker in...
Magic Mike's Matt Bomer is a lonely TV weatherman who starts an unusual friendship with a Latino migrant worker in this indie comedy drama.
"Following his very public breakdown during a live broadcast, Sean is forced to take leave from work. Scarred from the end of a long-term relationship, lonely and aimless, Sean decides to do some home repairs. Outside a hardware store, he hires Ernesto to carry out the work. Though they have no shared language and can barely communicate, Sean and Ernesto form an unusual friendship, and Sean is soon paying Ernesto to go boating, hiking and attend parties with him – causing much amusement for Ernesto’s wife. Gradually the source of Sean’s unusual behaviour becomes clear, making the profound bond between the two men all the more poignant, in this funny, empathetic film by John Butler." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Papi Chulo
Papi Chulo | Details
- Rating
- PG, Sexual references, Low level coarse language
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Ireland