The third installment of the lo-fi supernatural horror series, a prequel set in the '80s, 18 years earlier than the spooky...
The third installment of the lo-fi supernatural horror series, a prequel set in the '80s, 18 years earlier than the spooky events depicted in PA 1 and PA 2. From the directors of Catfish.
Follows series protagonists Katie and Kristi as young girls and how they first came to be terrorised by the oft-mentioned - but so far unseen - demon. All told via their trusty, ever recording, handycam.
The first Paranormal Activity (2007) was an independent production (directed by Steven Schnieder and Jason Blum, who serve as producers here) made for $US 15,000 and acquired by Paramount Pictures. It went on to become one of the most profitable films in history, pulling in nearly $US 200 million worldwide.
Where to watch Paranormal Activity 3
Paranormal Activity 3 | Details
- Rating
- M, contains horror, offensive language and content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 84
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin