In this R-rated sci-fi horror-comedy directed by Steven Kostanski (The Void, Father's Day), Mimi and Luke are two siblings who...
In this R-rated sci-fi horror-comedy directed by Steven Kostanski (The Void, Father's Day), Mimi and Luke are two siblings who bring a violent monster to life that's been entombed in their backyard.
In control of Psycho Goreman ("or PG for short") thanks to a magical amulet, the killing machine must obey their childish whims - but the malevolent creature's reappearance has drawn the attention of intergalactic fiends. Boasting names like Dark Scream, Hiss, Kortex and Death Trapper, they converge on suburban Earth to do battle for the fate of the galaxy.
Where to watch PG (Psycho Goreman)
PG (Psycho Goreman) | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Canada