Korean documentary about the unique love story of Young-Chan, a deaf and blind man with dreams of becoming a successful...
Korean documentary about the unique love story of Young-Chan, a deaf and blind man with dreams of becoming a successful writer, and Soon-Ho who suffers from a spinal disability. Winner of the top jury prize at the International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam.
"A small and delicate tale, Planet of Snail depicts this inseparable pair in their daily life, infusing beauty and gravity into the minutest moments of their experience: the challenge of changing a light bulb, the thrill of a ride on a sled, the momentousness of a day out in the world alone...
"A poetic and gently paced study that brings to life the sensual world shared by this special couple. An experiential journey that proves the greatest beauty can be found in the smallest and most unlikely love stories." (Tribeca Film Festival 2012)
Planet of Snail | Details
- Award winner
- Best Documentary, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival 2011.
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Documentary, Romance
- Country of origin
- Finland, Japan, Korea