From director Tearepa Kahi (Mt. Zion), this documentary tells the story of iconic, chart-topping, Kiwi song Poi E by...
From director Tearepa Kahi (Mt. Zion), this documentary tells the story of iconic, chart-topping, Kiwi song Poi E by the Patea Māori Club. Conceived by Dalvanius Prime and brought to life by residents of Patea, hit hard by the economic tribulations of the Muldoon era, Poi E captured, and changed, New Zealand culture.
Says Kahi, "In those times, it was the English songs that were known, but this Māori song prevailed and made it to the top, because of the beauty and pride we have for our language... The world we live in today was in some sense paved by Dalvanius. The iwi Māori radio stations, Māori Television are all results of his hard work."
Where to watch Poi E: The Story of Our Song
Poi E: The Story of Our Song | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Documentary, Music
- Country of origin
- New Zealand