Epic Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli eco-themed fantasy anime, 16 years in the making, about the struggle between supernatural guardians of a...
Epic Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli eco-themed fantasy anime, 16 years in the making, about the struggle between supernatural guardians of a forest and the humans who consume its resources. Princess Mononoke was the first Studio Ghibli film to be a major hit and receive worldwide attention. The English-speaking voice cast includes Billy Crudup, Claire Danes, Billy Bob Thornton, Minnie Driver and more.
Set in an Emishi village during Japan's Muromachi Period in the 14th century, the young Ashitaka is fatally cursed after defending his village from a demonic wild boar. He travels west to find a cure from the deer-like god Shishigami. Along the way, he comes across a battle raging between the animal inhabitants of a forest and an iron mining town that is exploiting it. The village has provoked the rage of the Wolf God, Moro, who attacks the village with an army of animals led by Princess Mononoke.
Where to watch Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke | Details
- Rating
- PG, Violence
- Runtime
- 134
- Genre
- Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Japan