This is not a sequel to 2004's The Punisher. Instead, it follows the trend of recent comic book reboots...
This is not a sequel to 2004's The Punisher. Instead, it follows the trend of recent comic book reboots (Batman Begins, The Incredible Hulk) in being a start-again version of the same character. Ray Stevenson stars as feared vigilante Frank Castle, opposite Dominic West (The Wire's McNulty) as disfigured villain Jigsaw.
Marvel Comics' anti-hero Frank Castle, a.k.a. The Punisher, takes it upon himself to hunt down and kill hundred of criminals. He soon sets his sights on mob boss Billy Russoti. Not managing to kill him, but instead leaving him horribly disfigured, means that Frank now has a new villain to face in the form of 'Jigsaw'.
Where to watch Punisher: War Zone
Punisher: War Zone | Details
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Canada