Like Pixar on drugs, this is an animated tale about Rango (voiced by Johnny Depp), a sheltered pet chameleon with...
Like Pixar on drugs, this is an animated tale about Rango (voiced by Johnny Depp), a sheltered pet chameleon with an identity crisis. Winner of Best Animated Film at the 2012 Academy Awards.
Rango finds himself outside his terrarium and, after taking the advice of an amardillo, arrives in Dirt - a town stuck in Old West times, a lawless outpost populated by the desert's most wily creatures. He woos the townsfolk with tall tales of his "heroic" past, and is quickly promoted to the position of Sheriff. Tasked with controlling Dirt's rampant bandits, the less-than-courageous Rango now has to live up to his own lie.
Rango is notable for being the first animated feature from George Lucas' special effects company, Industrial Light & Magic.
Where to watch Rango
Rango | Details
- Award winner
- Best Animated Film winner at 2012 Academy Awards and BAFTAs.
- Rating
- PG, Contains some scenes that may scare very young children
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Adventure, Kids & Family
- Country of origin