Berlin Film Festival-winning French war drama that tells the story of Komona, a girl kidnapped at the age of 12...
Berlin Film Festival-winning French war drama that tells the story of Komona, a girl kidnapped at the age of 12 by rebel soldiers and enslaved to a life of guerrilla warfare in the African jungle. Forced to commit unspeakable acts of brutality, she finds hope for survival in protective, ghost-like visions (inspiring a rebel chief to anoint her 'War Witch'), and in a tender relationship with a fellow soldier named Magician. Together, they manage to escape the rebels' clutches. But after their freedom proves short-lived, Komona realises she must find a way to bury the ghosts of her past.
Rebelle | Details
- Award winner
- Prize of the Ecumenical Jury (Special Mention) and Silver Berlin Bear (Best Actress, for Mwanza) at Berlin Film Festival 2012.
- Rating
- R13, Violence and content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Drama, War
- Country of origin
- Canada