Richard Jewell

129 mins
Poster for Richard Jewell

Clint Eastwood directs this true story drama about a security guard (Paul Walter Hauser, BlacKkKlansman) who saved people from a... More

Where to watch Richard Jewell

Richard Jewell is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on YouTube and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and AroVision.

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Richard Jewell | Ratings & Reviews

"[Eastwood] has crafted a gripping thriller that places the blame for one man’s ruin squarely at the feet of those more powerful."

New Zealand ListenerNew Zealand Listener

"From one angle the movie is pure right-wing populism, standing up for white, working-class, salt-of-the-earth guys who simply want to serve and protect. But another moral could be drawn: quite literally, Richard is a victim of racial profiling, no less than a Middle Eastern immigrant to the US might be."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"For a film about the efforts to clear one man's name, the treatment of Scruggs in Richard Jewell seems like hypocrisy – with a side-order of misogyny – of the worst sort. It's a massive blight on an otherwise very competently told and engrossing story."


"Eastwood delivers a riveting take on this true tale of a security guard who was declared a hero for finding a bomb and then became the prime suspect . Paul Walter Hauser is perfection as Richard, as is the great Kathy Bates as his loyal mother."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Resurrecting his sturdy cinematic prose after recent fiascos like The 15:17 to Paris, Eastwood competently dramatizes the underdog's true tale with a patient, straightforward style akin to Sully and Changeling, but he falls short on nuance."

Time OutTime Out

"This is a morality tale - in a good way, mostly - about the vulnerability of the individual citizen in the face of state power and about the fate of a private person menaced by the machinery of publicity."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The story is compelling -- from hero to reviled heel in no time flat. In a jauntier time it might have been raw material for social satire; in our day it's a cautionary tale about abuse of power by the press and government alike."

Wall Street JournalWall Street Journal

"Jewell, to its credit, is anchored by one of the more complex heroes in Eastwood's canon. But I'm still not certain it finds the most cutting or convincing path through this story."

Vanity FairVanity Fair

"Solid, dependable, very late period Eastwood."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"A timely story of broken trust in institutions."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"Richard Jewell is pointed and compelling - so much so that it needn't underline its themes as thickly as it does."

Daily TelegraphDaily Telegraph

"...ultra-watchable, engrossing, naturalistic, tautly directed and superbly acted - especially by Hauser and Rockwell - and scripted."


"In many ways, it is a very good story, efficiently told - and that's down to the excellent and very plausible performance from Paul Walter Hauser."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"It's not Eastwood's finest hour."

The TimesThe Times

"Eastwood's plain style tends to be his greatest asset, because the stories at his films' centers are often wild enough to tell themselves. That's certainly the case here."


""Richard Jewell" benefits from a muted wistfulness, which manages to convey the injustice of what occurred without overselling the theatrics."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"A good story is a good story, and Eastwood knows how to tell a good story."


"Another fine Eastwood film about a man with greatness thrust upon him."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

Richard Jewell | Details

M, Violence, sexual references & offensive language
Country of origin