A drama based on Raimond Gaita's critically acclaimed memoir. Set in 50s rural Australia, it tells the story of Eastern...
A drama based on Raimond Gaita's critically acclaimed memoir. Set in 50s rural Australia, it tells the story of Eastern European immigrant Romulus (Eric Bana), his beautiful wife, Christina (Franka Potente), and their struggle in the face of great adversity to bring up their son, Raimond (Kodi Smit-McPhee).
It is the tale of a boy trying to balance a universe described by his deeply moral father, against the experience of heartbreaking absence and neglect from a depressive mother. Kiwi Marton Csokas features as the sympathetic Uncle Hora.
Where to watch Romulus, My Father
Romulus, My Father | Details
- Rating
- M, sex scenes, offensive language
- Runtime
- 103
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia