In 1977, Sam Klemke started obsessively documenting his entire life on film. This documentary from Matthew Bate, director of Shut Up...
In 1977, Sam Klemke started obsessively documenting his entire life on film. This documentary from Matthew Bate, director of Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure, is compiled from that footage and presents a take on what its like to live, on Earth, in this day and age.
"17-year-old American Sam Klemke, fascinated by film's ability to capture time, decided to record and narrate his life. In the same year, NASA launched the Voyager spacecraft into the outer reaches of space with Golden Records of what was modestly referred to as the complete history of humanity’s accomplishments in music, art, and science. As that highlight reel of mankind hurtled through space, Klemke continued filming his life in decidedly lowlight "TMI" glory.
"Through the nacho binge eating and foreign wars, his never-realised goals, and presidential elections, Klemke makes a record of his life that is both narcissistic and touching. Now in his 50s and with a roomful of hundreds of hours of tape, what exactly has been the point of it all?" (Sundance Film Festival)
Sam Klemke's Time Machine | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Australia, USA