Catch three pioneering new short films by emerging filmmakers with disability, showing as part of the Sydney Film Festival, exploring...
Catch three pioneering new short films by emerging filmmakers with disability, showing as part of the Sydney Film Festival, exploring everything from love, sexuality and friendship to the way attitudes and perceptions change over time. Click 'more' for details on each film.
Broken by Stevie Cruz-Martin
"In this superb, understated film, writer-actor Daniel Monks plays a gay man unsure if it’s his partner or his disability causing their relationship to fail." (Sydney Film Festival)
Intimate Encounters: 20 Years On by Dieter Knierim
"20 years ago, an exhibition caused shockwaves with photos of people with disability proudly displaying their sexuality. Now, the models speak about changing attitudes." (Sydney Film Festival)
Tip of My Tongue by Samia Halabi
"Writer-director Samia Halabi explores her struggles with speaking in this touching story of a Muslim teenager trying to rekindle friendship with a childhood playmate." (Sydney Film Festival)