A disconnected young woman discovers the world of ASMR and befriends a local streamer, leading to blurred lines between friendship...
A disconnected young woman discovers the world of ASMR and befriends a local streamer, leading to blurred lines between friendship and obsession, in this New Zealand feature.
"We’re introduced to twenty-something Sierra, living in Auckland alone, working in that most thankless job of street charity fundraiser which demands a vivid personality beyond her reserved demeanour. It doesn’t help that she has trouble sleeping, and after being forced to look for help, a doctor recommends that she investigate sound therapy, specifically autonomous sensory meridian response or ASMR.
"Exploring online, Sierra discovers local ASMR streamer Kate who soon becomes her virtual evening companion whenever she needs help getting to sleep. Before long, Sierra starts to see Kate as an escape from her lonely existence and the traumas that haunt her – their connection starts to move offline. As Sierra is drawn deeper into Kate’s life her obsession grows increasingly physical, and when faced with losing Kate to a competing lover an act of desperation threatens to change Sierra’s life forever." (New Zealand International Film Festival)
Where to watch Shut Eye (2022)
Shut Eye (2022) | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- New Zealand