Uber stylised film noir following three hardboiled tales, based on Frank Miller's comics and co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin...
Uber stylised film noir following three hardboiled tales, based on Frank Miller's comics and co-directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. Starring Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, and Bruce Willis.
Ex-con Marv (Rourke) avenges a murdered prostitute, private eye Dwight (Owen) helps a red light district stay independent from the Mob, and disgraced cop Hartigan (Willis) shields a dancer (Alba) from a psychotic sadist. Extremely stylised, violent, and nearly word for word adaptation of the graphic novels.
Where to watch Sin City
Sin City | Details
- Rating
- R18, contains graphic violence
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Action, Drama
- Country of origin