Sundance-winning social-political thriller following three Mexican teenagers, strangers who meet and travel on the roof a train heading for the...
Sundance-winning social-political thriller following three Mexican teenagers, strangers who meet and travel on the roof a train heading for the US border. "The stories of Sayra, a teenager living in Honduras and hungering for a brighter future, and teen gang members Smiley and Casper, for whom the Mara Salvatrucha is nearly their entire universe, become interlaced on the train to the border, a journey that will determine the future of their lives. Young Casper is already a wary veteran of the "Mara," and his new recruit is the 12-year-old Smiley, full of bravado and looking for status. The two run afoul of the everyday violence that penetrates their world and find themselves fellow passengers with Sayra on a States-bound freight, hugging the rooftop as their precarious journey unfolds" (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre | Details
- Award winner
- Cinematography and Directing Award (Dramatic), Sundance Film Festival 2009.
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama, Thriller