Sequel to the awesome Sione's Wedding (2006), picking up five years later with the Duckrockers dealing with marriage, parenthood, money and a...
Sequel to the awesome Sione's Wedding (2006), picking up five years later with the Duckrockers dealing with marriage, parenthood, money and a missing Bolo (David Fane).
Albert (co-writer Oscar Kightley) and Tania (Madeleine Sami) are now happily married, but can't quiet seal the deal with a baby. Whilst Sefa (Shimpal Lelisi) and Leilani (Teuila Blakely) have got two kids, they aren't married despite Sefa's proposal. Stanley (Iaheto Ah Hi) is now a trainee Deacon in the Future Church, Michael (Robbie Magasiva) has moved to Australia, and Bolo ditched his job with Sefa’s failing business to work for Sione. As adulthood drives them apart, a crisis brings them back together: when Bolo disappears, the Minister (Nathaniel Lees) gathers up the boys to find him, somewhere, in the world’s largest Polynesian city - Auckalangi.
Where to watch Sione's 2: Unfinished Business
Sione's 2: Unfinished Business | Details
- Rating
- M, contains sex scenes and offensive language
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- New Zealand