Billy Wilder's classic, wild comedy, stars Jack Lemmon as Jerry, and Tony Curtis as Joe, a pair of unemployed musicians...
Billy Wilder's classic, wild comedy, stars Jack Lemmon as Jerry, and Tony Curtis as Joe, a pair of unemployed musicians who inadvertently become witnesses to the St. Valentine Day's Massacre. To escape the wrath of the gangsters, they are forced to hit the road in drag, taking the only jobs available with an all-girl band bound for Miami. En route, both men fall for lead singer and blond bombshell Sugar Kane, (Marilyn Monroe), but are unable to fulfil their desires for fear of revealing their identity. Joe tries to get around this by adopting a third identity for seduction, that of a shy millionaire. Meanwhile Jerry has his own problems, fighting off the advances of Osgood E. Fielding, a real millionaire hypnotized by his/her charms.
Where to watch Some Like It Hot (1959)
Some Like It Hot (1959) | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin