In this coming of age tale, a deeply introverted teen beset by family issues comes under the guidance of a...
In this coming of age tale, a deeply introverted teen beset by family issues comes under the guidance of a life coach. Stars Lucy Liu, Marcia Gay Harden, Peter Gallagher, True Blood's Deborah Ann Woll and Oscar-winner Ellen Burstyn.
James (Regbo) has a deep appreciation for the world yet has no idea how to live in it. Living in New York City, the child of divorced parents (Harden and Gallagher) who may be better served examining their own lives, James rejects all the assumptions that govern the adult world, including the expectation that he will go to college. Forced by his parents into therapy sessions with a life coach (Liu), James grapples with his future, his sexuality, and his screwed up family - including his 23-year-old memoir-writing sister (Deborah Ann Woll).
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- USA, Italy