Set in London, this geriatric comedy drama stars Terence Stamp as a shy, grumpy pensioner who is reluctantly inspired by...
Set in London, this geriatric comedy drama stars Terence Stamp as a shy, grumpy pensioner who is reluctantly inspired by his beloved wife (Vanessa Redgrave) to join a highly unconventional local choir led by Gemma Arterton.
At odds with his son James (Christopher Eccleston), it is up to Elizabeth (Arterton) to try and persuade Arthur (Stamp) that he can learn to embrace life, using music as a way to battle his grumbling persona.
Where to watch Song for Marion
Song for Marion | Details
- Rating
- PG, Coarse language and sexual references
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance
- Country of origin
- UK