A Swedish crime comedy about a tone-deaf cop’s search for a group of percussionists, disturbing the peace with their acts...
A Swedish crime comedy about a tone-deaf cop’s search for a group of percussionists, disturbing the peace with their acts of 'musical terrorism'.Winner of Best Picture at Fantastic Fest 2010.
In the name of rhythmic art, six rogue drummers ambush various locations in order to unleash their musical creativity. Banks are held up for the sake of using a money shredder as an instrument. Hospitals are infiltrated so they can use a heart monitor as a metronome whilst a surgery patient undergoes anaesthesia. Their set-pieces know no bounds. However, investigator Amadeus Warnebring looks to bring a stop to the gang’s orchestral anarchy.
The film is said to be an expansion on directors Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjärne Nilsson's YouTube short Music for an Apartment and Six Drummers.
Sound of Noise | Details
- Runtime
- 102
- Genre
- Comedy, Music
- Country of origin
- Sweden, France