1986 adaptation of Stephen King’s short story about four preteen boys who venture into the woods to find the body...
1986 adaptation of Stephen King’s short story about four preteen boys who venture into the woods to find the body of a missing boy. Directed by Rob Reiner (The Princess Bride).
Recollecting moments of his childhood, Gordie Lachance (voiced by Richard Dreyfuss) narrates a particular passage of his life, filled with adventure, camaraderie and the search for a corpse. Crossing railways, swamps and open fields, Geordie (Wil Wheaton), Chris (River Phoenix), Teddy (Corey Feldman) and Vern (Jerry O'Connell) face numerous obstacles that hinder their path, including their own personal family struggles.
Where to watch Stand By Me (1986)
Stand By Me (1986) | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama
- Country of origin