Rod Paradot makes his César 'Most Promising Actor' award-winning debut, alongside Catherine Deneuve, in this drama co-written and directed by...
Rod Paradot makes his César 'Most Promising Actor' award-winning debut, alongside Catherine Deneuve, in this drama co-written and directed by Emmanuelle Bercot.
"Abandoned by his mother at the age of 6, Malony (Paradot) is constantly in and out of juvenile court. An adoptive family grows around this young delinquent: Florence (Deneuve), a children’s magistrate nearing retirement, and Yann (Benoît Magimel), a caseworker and himself the survivor of a very difficult childhood. Together they follow the boy’s journey and try unfailingly to save him. When Malony is sent to a stricter educational center, he meets Tess (Diane Rouxel), who will show him that there are reasons for hope." (Alliance Française French Film Festival)
Standing Tall | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, sexual violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France