A fairytale romance where, in order to win his love, the heroic Tristan (Charlie Cox) must retrieve a fallen star...
A fairytale romance where, in order to win his love, the heroic Tristan (Charlie Cox) must retrieve a fallen star by venturing into a magical realm. But he's not the only one after the star…
It's been compared to The Princess Bride and called a sword and sorcery take on Star Wars. It's based on a graphic novel by fantasy guru Neil Gaiman, directed by the talented Matthew Vaughn (gangster flick Layer Cake) and features an array of cameos by the likes of Robert de Niro and Ricky Gervais.
Where to watch Stardust (2007)
Stardust (2007) | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains frightening fanstasy scenes & violence
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
- Country of origin