This French documentary follows innovative master Chef, Michel Bras, as he hands over his world-class restaurant to his son Sebastian. "The...
This French documentary follows innovative master Chef, Michel Bras, as he hands over his world-class restaurant to his son Sebastian. "The hawkeyed master chef is retiring from the day-to-day operation of the Michelin-recognised restaurant he built on a hill in the L’Aubrac region, 465 kilometres from Paris. This watershed event has been in the works for a while, and Bras is ready to pass the keys to his diligent and talented son, Sébastien. Letting go is never easy, though, and Michel can’t help but hover as the congenial Séba sets about making his mark. Keeping the focus on the artists rather than the patrons, director Paul Lacoste revels in the Bras’ innovative experiments in the kitchen." (San Francisco Film Festival 2012)
Where to watch Step Up to the Plate
Step Up to the Plate | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- France