Mia Wasikowska stars as India in this creepy domestic thriller, the troubled daughter of an unstable mother (Nicole Kidman). When shifty...
Mia Wasikowska stars as India in this creepy domestic thriller, the troubled daughter of an unstable mother (Nicole Kidman). When shifty Uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode) moves in soon after the death of her father, India comes to suspect he has ulterior motives. But instead of feeling outrage or horror, the friendless India becomes increasingly infatuated with him.
This marks the debut English-language feature of Korean director Park Chan-wook (Oldboy, Thirst). The script, which made it into the top ten of the 2010 Black List (the best unproduced scripts in Hollywood), was written by Ted Foulke, later revealed to be a pseudonym of actor Wentworth Miller (TV's Prison Break).
Where to watch Stoker
Stoker | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence & sex scenes
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Drama, Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin