Nicole Kidman and Joseph Fiennes star in this psychological drama-thriller as parents, new to the remote Australian desert town of...
Nicole Kidman and Joseph Fiennes star in this psychological drama-thriller as parents, new to the remote Australian desert town of Nathgari, thrown into crisis when their two teenage kids mysteriously disappear just before a massive dust storm hits the town. Feature debut from director Kim Farrant.
"With Nathgari now eerily smothered in red dust and darkness, the locals join the search led by local cop David Rae (Hugo Weaving). With temperatures rising, and the chances of survival plummeting with each passing day, Catherine (Kidman) and Matthew (Fiennes) find themselves pushed to the brink as they struggle to survive the uncertainty of their children's fate." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Strangerland
Strangerland | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, nudity, sex scenes & offensive language
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Australia, Ireland