In this French comedy reuniting the well-loved duo from Welcome to the Sticks, acute hypochondriac Romain (Dany Boon) has proven...
In this French comedy reuniting the well-loved duo from Welcome to the Sticks, acute hypochondriac Romain (Dany Boon) has proven an endless source of trouble to his friend and physician Dr. Zvenka (Kad Merad). However, Dr. Zvenka has a new theory to cure his friend's never-ending ailments - finding the perfect woman. So begins a purposeful regime of parties, online dating, and the study of seduction techniques, all in the name of good health.
Where to watch Superchondriac
Superchondriac | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and offensive language
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- France