Set in the idyllic cove of Costa Brava in the Mediterranean, this Spanish culinary romantic dramedy tells the story of...
Set in the idyllic cove of Costa Brava in the Mediterranean, this Spanish culinary romantic dramedy tells the story of a broken-up couple who decide to keep their year-long booking for the closing of the “best restaurant in the world”.
Marc (Jan Cornet) and Rachel (Claudia Bassols) made their dinner reservation a year ago, and a lot has happened in that time. They haven't seen each other for almost a year, for starters, having separated. And, as they've discovered, the restaurant will close for good the day after their booking. Devoted to this culinary event - if not each other - the two agree to keep their date.
Tasting Menu | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Spain