South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone bring you comedy puppetry on a global scale, in the style of Gerry Anderson's...
South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone bring you comedy puppetry on a global scale, in the style of Gerry Anderson's string-operated Thunderbirds. A satire on blockbuster actioners, it follows Team America as they face off with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il and, worse still, Hollywood do-gooders Samuel L Jackson, Sean Penn, Michael Moore, and Matt Damon - the puppets, not the people.
Actors parodied in the film were for the most ok with it, except Sean Penn. Penn (portrayed as an anti-American) sent Parker and Stone an angry letter with a sign-off of "F**k you".
Team America sparked a few controversies in America for its divisive subject matter (America's role in the war on terror), its profanity, and its perceived right-wing politics.
Where to watch Team America: World Police
Team America: World Police | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, offensive language and sex scenes
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- USA, Germany