Chinese martial arts action-comedy that revolves around three interconnecting stories of desire, vengeance and greed. Executive produced by...
Chinese martial arts action-comedy that revolves around three interconnecting stories of desire, vengeance and greed. Executive produced by The Bourne Identity's Doug Liman.
The story of The Butcher, The Chef and The Swordsman is split into three inter-twining tales all connected by the protagonists ownership of a mystical cursed blade. In the first story, a butcher swears vengeance against the man who buys the madame he's in lust with at the local brothel, in the second story a chef's life rests on the outcome of his preparation of an incredibly difficult eight-course meal and the final story sees a swordsman trying to break out of the shadow of his legendary father's legacy.
Where to watch The Butcher, The Chef And The Swordsman
The Butcher, The Chef And The Swordsman | Details
- Rating
- M, contains violence
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Action, Comedy
- Country of origin
- China, Hong Kong, USA