Cliff Curtis (Whale Rider, Sunshine) leads this true Kiwi story as Genesis Potini, the speed-chess prodigy from New Zealand. Battling...
Cliff Curtis (Whale Rider, Sunshine) leads this true Kiwi story as Genesis Potini, the speed-chess prodigy from New Zealand. Battling severe bipolar disorder, Genesis finds purpose in coaching a local chess club. Co-stars James Rolleston (Boy).
After being released from a mental institution, Genesis moves in with his distant gang-affiliated brother and teenage nephew (Rolleston). With no desire to stay in the gang house all day, Genesis joins the local Gisborne chess club where he hopes to somehow coach its youthful and diverse members to a national championship.
Where to watch The Dark Horse
The Dark Horse | Details
- Rating
- M, Drug use, offensive language and violence
- Runtime
- 124
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- New Zealand