The third and final instalment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy sees the Dark Knight (Christian Bale) facing off against soulless terrorist Bane...
The third and final instalment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy sees the Dark Knight (Christian Bale) facing off against soulless terrorist Bane (Tom Hardy) and the enigmatic Catwoman (Anne Hathaway).
Taking place eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Gotham City revels in some long-awaited peace. Yet Selina Kyle (Hathaway) whispers that this is merely the calm to a chaotic criminal storm. As terrorism and class warfare descend, Bruce Wayne (Bale) emerges from the seclusion of Wayne Manor. Still pinned for Harvey Dent’s crimes, Batman returns to the city as a wanted fugitive in order to prevent the fall of Gotham, as well as the rise of Bane.
Where to watch The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises | Details
- Rating
- M, contains violence
- Runtime
- 164
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin