Kate Winslet is a revenge-seeking femme fatale in this period comedy-thriller adaptation of Rosalie Ham’s novel. Glamorous Tilly (Winslet) returns...
Kate Winslet is a revenge-seeking femme fatale in this period comedy-thriller adaptation of Rosalie Ham’s novel. Glamorous Tilly (Winslet) returns to her small hometown in rural Australia to pay back those who wronged her, armed with a sewing machine and haute couture style. Co-stars Liam Hemsworth, Hugo Weaving and Judy Davis.
Tilly Dunnage (Winslet) makes a surprise return to her tiny hometown of Dungatar to look after her ailing mother (Davis). It doesn't take long for the glamorous, single globetrotter to set dusty small town tongues wagging, and old resentments to present themselves. As Tilly takes on the foes of her past, there are frocks to be made, and a local hunk (Hemsworth) to flirt with... and maybe a little more.
Where to watch The Dressmaker
The Dressmaker | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence, sexual references & offensive language
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia