The Equalizer

132 mins
Poster for The Equalizer

Violent thriller based on the '80s television series, reuniting the director of Training Day with star Denzel Washington. He plays... More

Where to watch The Equalizer

The Equalizer is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on YouTube and Netflix and Google TV and Prime Video and Apple TV Store and Neon and Neon Rentals and AroVision and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

The Equalizer | Ratings & Reviews

"For all the swift, savage efficiency with which Antoine Fuqua stages his action, it’s disappointing that The Equalizer isn’t as lean as it could’ve been, plodding at crippling, near-operatic length for what is basically routine exploitation fare. Anyone unfamiliar with the ‘80s Edward Woodward show which it’s based on, fear not - this movie bears more resemblance to the male revenge fantasies that’ve been spilling blood on our screens with increasing, somewhat tiresome regularity of late. If anything, it’s nastier than most studio product, the mood curdling into horror-like grimness that doesn’t let up for large swathes of its running time."

Flicks, Aaron YapFlicks

"Ponderously overlong and not even half as much fun as it should have been..."


"A stone-dumb movie, unwilling to allow Washington even a hint of uniqueness."

Time OutTime Out

"Fuqua’s film is lacking much of an intelligible plot other than “tough hombre rights wrongs in ways pushing the boundaries of a 15 rating”."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"Denzel is so cool, so made of pure nails he can make even the most preposterous action scene feel thrilling. But Denzel's strength is also his weakness."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Fuqua socks over the suspense and action but also takes the time for some quiet, even spare moments to emphasize the hero’s calm and apartness."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Though overstretched and a trifle ponderous, this is a solidly acceptable star vehicle with more than enough righteous vengeance for an evening of classy thrills."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

The Equalizer | Details

R18, Violence, sexual themes and offensive language
Action, Thriller
Country of origin

The Equalizer | Trailers