A truck driver happens upon an unexpected financial windfall in this comedy from Oscar-nominated Canadian filmmaker Denys Arcand (The Barbarian...
A truck driver happens upon an unexpected financial windfall in this comedy from Oscar-nominated Canadian filmmaker Denys Arcand (The Barbarian Invasions).
"Pierre-Paul (Alexandre Landry) is a 36-year-old with a PhD in philosophy who ends up driving a courier truck, a line of work he believes he is too good for. A single event changes Pierre-Paul's life: he finds himself with a lot of money in his hands - and a choice. This money can provide him the lifestyle he wants, but it can also lead to numerous headaches, namely in the form of entanglements with both police and the criminal underworld. Pierre-Paul's decisions take him on an unlikely voyage where he needs all his wits to outfox his various pursuers, amongst whom are two rather different women: a young prostitute who can free him, and a young cop who can put him behind bars." (Toronto International Film Festival)
The Fall of the American Empire | Details
- Rating
- TBC,
- Runtime
- 129
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Canada