French coming-of-age drama about Antoine (Nicolas Cazalé), a thirty-year-old prodigal son who left his home village in Provence to start...
French coming-of-age drama about Antoine (Nicolas Cazalé), a thirty-year-old prodigal son who left his home village in Provence to start a new life in the big city. Now with his father sick, he returns to assume the lifestyle he thought he had shed - driving the family grocery cart from hamlet to hamlet, delivering supplies to the few remaining inhabitants.
The rolling French countryside, the prickly but resilient locals and the company of Claire (Clotilde Hesme), a friend he's got his eye on who came with him from Paris, makes the disillusioned Antoine re-assess his own directionless life.
The Grocer's Son | Details
- Rating
- M, contains offensive language
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France