Classic Japanese adventure from legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, made four years after the masterful Seven Samurai. The film was a...
Classic Japanese adventure from legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, made four years after the masterful Seven Samurai. The film was a huge influence on George Lucas and the creation of Star Wars.
Set in feudal Japan, the tale follows Tahei and Matashichi, two peasants who encounter a couple hiding out in a fortress with a massive supply of gold. In desperate need of help, the man and the woman ask the two greedy peasants for help to cross over to allied territory, promising a share of the gold for their assistance. But unknown to Tahei and Matashichi, their new companions are actually a famous General and a Princess.
The Hidden Fortress | Details
- Rating
- PG, Low level violence
- Runtime
- 133
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama
- Country of origin
- Japan