Peter Jackson's return to Middle-earth concludes in part three of his adaptation of The Hobbit. With Smaug the dragon terrorising...
Peter Jackson's return to Middle-earth concludes in part three of his adaptation of The Hobbit. With Smaug the dragon terrorising the citizens of Lake-town and dwarf leader Thorin Oakenshield under the thrall of cursed gold, Bilbo Baggins finds himself at the centre of a battle to decide the fate of Middle-earth.
Smaug’s airborne assault sends human survivors fleeing to the ruins of Dale, where they encounter Elvish troops amassing to take on Oakenshield and his dwarf comrades. As the forces of evil make their way to the field of battle an epic confrontation beckons, one that will set in motion the events of The Lord of the Rings.
Where to watch The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence
- Runtime
- 144
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- New Zealand, USA